
Need a speaker for your next event?  Let’s talk!  I’m available for no-fee speaking engagements for large or small groups.  I can speak in slots from 15 to 90 minutes and can adapt to various experience levels.  Custom presentations may be available.  I can speak virtually (telesummit, teleseminar, webinar, hangout, etc) or at a live in-person event (casual or structured).

Has your scheduled speaker cancelled on you?  I can help – I’m ready to go right now!  My talk and all materials are ready and waiting to make your event go smoothly.

For a downloadable summary of my talk “How to Build a Successful, Sustainable  Solopreneur Business Without Overwhelm or Working 24/7,” click here: Michele Christensen speaker talk description

Want to experience me speaking?  Click here for some online samples.

How to book me:

Please email me at michele@michelechristensen.com with the details of your event.  I’ll get back to you within 2 business days with a link to my calendar to schedule a time to talk and finalize our plans.

Resources for event planners:

To make it super easy to host me, here are downloadable resources for you.  Right click the link and “save as” to download.

My bio, for use in your communications, event information, website copy, etc: Michele Christensen Speaker Bio

My small-size headshot image, for use on websites: Michele Christensen small-size headshot

Full-size headshot image: Michele Christensen head shot

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