To make sales, you have to make offers!

Ask Me Anything, Segment 17

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down to below the video player for a written summary.)

In this segment of Ask Me Anything, I fill in the final piece of finding coaching clients. You have to make offers! If you don’t actually give your audience a chance to say yes and make a purchase, it’s much harder for them to say yes to working with you. This is Segment 17 of the Ask Me Anything Series.

Summary here:

  • In this video, I cover the importance of making offers for your coaching services and for other products or services.
  • It’s not enough to just have a website and hope people will visit and purchase.
  • After building an audience and regularly communicating to them with valuable content, you have to actually make an offer for which they can pay you.
  • Some offers are for a free item such as a webinar or teleseminar, however at some point you must make a paid offer in order to make money.
  • Takeaway: After taking the time to grow an audience and nurture your relationship with them, you have to make clear and specific offers for your coaching services.
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How to communicate with your audience

Ask Me Anything, Segment 16

(Prefer to read instead of watch? Scroll down to below the video player for a written summary.)

Once you start building an audience for your coaching, consulting or service business, you’ll need to communicate with them on a regular basis to build credibility and demonstrate your ability to help.  This tip talks about how to communicate with your audience.  This is Ask Me Anything Segment 16.   Link mentioned in video:

Summary here:

  • This is Segment 16 of the Ask Me Anything series, and it’s a continuation of segments 12-15, in which I answer the question of how to find coaching clients.  You will get the most out of this video by watching segments 12-15 first.  You can find all segments of Ask Me Anything here.
  • In previous segments, I taught how to build an audience for your business and how to attract just the right people to that audience.  In this video I talk about how to communicate with that audience.
  • The short answer is that the best way to communicate with you audience is however they like to receive information!  However, email is the go-to tool for my own business and for most of my clients.
  • Specifically, I am referring to building a list of people who have signed up and actively said they want to receive emails from you.
  • Never add someone to your email list without their clear consent.  It’s annoying, it’s against the law in many countries, and it makes you look like you don’t know what you are doing.
  • Once you start a list, you can start establishing your credibility by delivering valuable content to them.
  • You will also need to make offers at regular intervals so people can actually buy from you.
  • With an email list, you’ll never have to try and sell your coaching services to a “cold” audience.  You can keep in touch and demonstrate your worth before you ever offer something for sale.
  • Having a list lets you control the timing of when people hear from you, and lets you take full responsibility for making sure you stay in touch.  You don’t need people to remember you and your website in order for them to see what you are offering.
  • Takeaway: Keep in touch with your audience regularly in a way that is appealing to them.  Email is a great tool for making sure you communicate with your audience regularly.
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Use the right language to attract your ideal clients

Ask Me Anything, Segment 15

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down to below the video player for a summary.)

One of the best ways to attract the right people to your audience is by using the right language for them.  This may not be the same language you use when talking about your work to people in your field or people who aren’t interested in the results your work brings.

Summary here:

  • This segment of Ask Me Anything is on how to attract just the right people to your audience
  • Use the language your clients use when describing your work
  • Don’t use clinical, technical or industry terms
  • Don’t focus on showcasing your incredible vocabulary!  Instead, focus on communicating in a way that makes your ideal client feel like you completely understand them and can help them.
  • Takeaway: By using the language that your ideal clients already use, you’ll attract those people to your audience
  • If you liked this tip, go to and enter your name and email address, and I’ll send tips and strategies like this for solopreneurs right to your inbox!
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What kind of clients do you love to work with?

Ask Me Anything, Segment 14

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down to read a summary of this video.)

When building an audience for your coaching business, it’s important to focus only on attracting those people who you love to work with and who get great results from your work.  In this video, I teach how to spot those people.  This is Segment 14 of the Ask Me Anything Series.

Summary here:

  • This video goes further in answering the question “How do I get coaching clients?”  It’s a continuation of Ask Me Anything Segments 12 and 13.  If you haven’t read or watched those, I suggest you do before reading or watching this segment because you will get more out of it.  Click here for Segment 12.
  • In the last segment of Ask Me Anything, I talked about building an audience of people interested in the work you do.  In this segment, I help you get very focused on a specific subset of those interested people, your ideal client.
  • There are lots of terms you could use to describe the people you really want to work with – people use target market, niche, demographic, etc.  but your ideal client is a specific subset of these terms.
  • I could teach an entire series on describing your ideal client, and some people do, but in this video I’ll present a short list of characteristics to think about in describing your ideal client.
  • Your ideal clients are the people you love to work with.  For me, that is super-creative “right brain” people.  I’m very concrete and linear, so working with right-brain people creates magic!
  • They get great results when they work with you.
  • They have a specific challenge that you totally geek out on!  They struggle with the one thing you love to talk about.
  • They value you and your expertise.
  • They are able and willing to pay for your service.
  •  They follow your advice and love the results they get.
  • The final and very important characteristic of your ideal client is that you like them!  Don’t fill your practice with people you don’t like.  Neither of you will get good results.
  • Now that you know what kind of people you are looking for, in the next segment I’ll teach you how to attract those specific people.
  • Takeaway: Get really specific about the kind of people you want to attract to your coaching business.
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Build an audience of interested people (Ask Me Anything Segment 13)

Ask Me Anything, Segment 13

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down to read a summary of this video.)

Instead of trying to sell to people right away, focus on building an audience of people who are interested in the services you provide.  That way, you can build credibility and connection before you try to sell anything.  Link mentioned in the video:

Summary here:

  • This video goes further into answering the question “How do I find coaching clients?”  You’ll get the most of out this video if you’ve already watched Segment 12 of the Ask Me Anything series because this video expands on that one.
  • In the last video, I made two points to start with finding coaching clients: don’t try and sell “coaching,” instead focus on the change your work provides, and second, know who is will benefit most from your work and tailor your message to them.
  • Building on those first two points, before you try to sell anything, start by cultivating an audience of people who would be interested in the services you provide.  The people you want to be building a relationship with are people who may at some point make a purchase if the right offer comes at the right time.
  • You can build your audience on social media, speaking, by building an email list or a number of other ways.
  • By building an audience before you begin selling, you will have time to build rapport, show that you can help and demonstrate your expertise.
  • Takeaway: To find coaching clients, first build an audience of people who are interested in the change your work provides.  In the next few Ask Me Anything videos, I’ll show you how to do this.
  • If you liked this tip, please go to and enter your name and email address, and I’ll send tips and strategies like this for solopreneurs right to your inbox!
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Have a practice in place for writing your to-do list (To Do List Tip #6)

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down below the video for a summary.)

Keeping a to-do list isn’t just something to be done occasionally – solopreneurs have way too much to juggle to be haphazard about their workload.  It’s important to have a regular practice of keeping your to-do list up to date.

Link mentioned in video:

Summary here:

  • This tip is about having a regular practice of writing and maintaining your to do list.  Your to do list should never be an afterthought.
  • There are lots of right ways to keep a to do list.  The important thing is that you have a regular practice that works for you and that you follow your practice.
  • Your brain is not a good place to keep lists and minutiae.  Keep your to do list somewhere other than your head, and free up your mind to do more of what you are great at.
  • By consistently recording your to do items in a reliable system, you’ll feel more on top of things and be better able to prioritize your work.
  • Takeaway: Have a practice for recording your to do list and follow it.  Make sure it is something that works for you so it’s easy to stick with.
  • If you liked this to do list tip, you can download a free copy of my special report called “The 5 Biggest Mistakes Solopreneurs Make in Writing Their Daily To-Do List and How to Avoid Them”  by clicking here.
  • Before you leave this page, please use the social sharing buttons below to share this video on your social networks.

How To Find Coaching Clients

Ask Me Anything, Segment 12

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down to below the video for a written summary.)

In this segment of Ask Me Anything, I give the first of several tips on attracting coaching clients. This video explains how to view your coaching services from the point of view of your potential clients.  Link mentioned in video:

Summary here:

  • In this video, I give the first of several tips on how to find coaching clients.  The very first thing to understand is how to view your coaching services from the perspective of a potential client.
  • Nobody lays awake at night thinking “If only I had a coach….”  What keeps people awake at night are the problems and concerns you help them with.  People probably lay awake thinking things like “If only I could lose this 20 pounds,” or “If only I didn’t fight so much with my spouse,” etc.
  • So, in order to find coaching clients it’s important to think less about the fact that you provide coaching, and focus more on the fact that you solve problems that people suffer from.
  • It’s also very important to focus on who you help.  Even if you do work with everybody, if you try to write or speak in a way that appeals to everybody then nobody will feel like you get them and their exact situation.  Ideally, someone who would benefit from working with you will hear or read your words and say “Oh my gosh, how does he or she know exactly what I am thinking?”
  • In the next few Ask Me Anything segments, I’ll be giving you specific examples of how you can use this information to find coaching clients.
  • Takeaway: The very first step to finding coaching clients is to think about your service from the point of view of your potential client.
  • If you liked this tip, please go to and enter your name and email address, and I’ll send tips and strategies like this for solopreneurs right to your inbox!
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Learning new stuff is way more fun than working!

Ask Me Anything, Segment 9

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down below the video player for a summary.)

In this video, I talk about the trap of avoiding work you find unpleasant by spending too much time learning. This is Segment 9 in the Ask Me Anything series. You can find the entire series on my blog or YouTube Channel under Ask Me Anything.

If you prefer to read instead of watch, here are the notes for this video:

  • It’s easy to get sidetracked when you are learning too many different things from too many different people.
  • Learning can be used to procrastinate the work you really need to be doing to create income.
  • It’s important to always be investing in yourself by learning new things about your business, but balance this with the need to implement what you learn.
  • I help people to have a streamlined, efficient business and to know exactly what to be working on and what not to be working on.  Click on the “Send Me More” button below the video player so I can send you more great tips and strategies for running your solopreneur business.

Measure your results to improve them

Use Metrics to Know What Works

From my book “Use Metrics to Know What Works“…

One of the hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs is that they take action. They don’t wait for the time to be perfect or for some mythical moment when everything lines up, they get busy and get going. This is a hugely important trait for success, but it can also be a curse. The problem is that many entrepreneurs are so action oriented that they go off in random directions with no plan. It’s not enough just to take action – you have to be taking action on the right things.

This is where a lot of entrepreneurs get into trouble. Yes, you do need to be taking consistent action, but if you don’t take some time first to determine what you should be doing there’s a good chance of not getting the results you want. The problem is that it is really hard for an action-oriented entrepreneur whose idea keeps him up at night to take a step back and do some research and planning. Later, the problem becomes taking the time to measure and analyze results when you would rather be doing more.

So many business operate like this:

  • Start doing something in hopes of growing your business
  • Sales don’t come as desired
  • Add another activity
  • Repeat

Can you see the problems with this approach? First, you can only repeat this cycle for so long. There is an absolute upper limit to the amount of activity that you can add to your business. At some point, you will run out of hours in the week. Second, if you keep adding new things without taking away anything you’ll end up with a bigger and bigger list of activities to keep up with. Your attention becomes split and you end up expending a lot of energy switching between and managing all your projects. Third and most serious is that you have absolutely no way to improve. There’s no feedback or indication of what’s working or not and how to improve. This is the biggest problem of all because testing, measuring and adapting is the only sure way you have of making sure you are on a path of continual improvement. Continuing to blindly add activities with no clear plan is like trying to get across town on your bicycle by pedaling faster and making random turns. If you don’t stop and consult a map before and during your trip, you won’t know if you are even heading in the right direction. All of that activity may actually be taking you further from your destination.

It’s almost impossible to get things just right on the first try. That’s where being action-oriented is an asset – as an action taker you just get out there and do something. However, the shortest path to success after you take action is to learn from that experience and adapt your next attempt.

When you take action with no planning, there is no way to measure and no way to close the loop. Everything you do will be just random shooting in the dark with no way to adapt and learn. Often the only feedback you get is “that didn’t work.”

For all of these reasons, metrics (i.e. measuring your results) is often one of the first areas I work on with my clients because we really can’t begin coaching and moving forward effectively until they have a feedback loop in place. As much as I wish I could, I simply can’t pull the right answers out of nothing. I need data to work with in the first place and a way to measure results once our ideas are implemented.

If you aren’t doing any metrics, or you want to see how metrics can help you, head over to the Kindle store and grab my book “Use Metrics to Know What Works.”  This article is taken from Chapter 1, and the rest of the book teaches you not only the principles of metrics but how to do metrics for specific purposed in your business.  Grab your copy here:

Use Metrics to Know What Works

(No Kindle device?  No problem!  You can download a free Kindle app for your phone or tablet, or install the free Kindle reader for your desktop.)

Learning without implementation accomplishes nothing

Ask Me Anything, Segment 8

(Prefer to read in stead of watch?  Scroll down below the video player for the notes.)

Earlier this year, I gave my email subscribers the chance to ask me anything they wanted to about their business.  In this video, I talk about the trap of learning too much and not implementing enough.  Learning new skills to build your business is a great thing to do, but you have to implement what you learn for it to help your business grow. Learning without implementation does not help your business. This is Segment #8 in the Ask Me Anything series. You can find the entire series on my blog or YouTube Channel under Ask Me Anything.

(Note the event link I mentioned around the [2:00] minute mark does not show up on some views of this blog post.  Here is the link:

If you prefer to read instead of watch, here are the notes for this video:

  • Learning is fun, and implementing can be long, hard work so there is a big temptation to just keep learning and not take the time to implement.
  • The fun of doing new things begins when you finish them and they begin to work.  If you want to be successful, you have to buckle down and implement what you are learning and not just jump to the next thing.
  • I attended a live weekend event last year and it took me 5 months to get everything from that event implemented.  Make sure your time and money investment pays off when you attend a live event by implementing what you learn.  For more information on the Big List, Big Profits event, click here.
  • The one thing to take from this video: implement what you learn or you are just wasting time.
  • If you like this tip, please go to and enter your name and email address so you can receive ongoing tips and strategies just for solopreneurs!


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